Frequently asked questions in connection with our services
How can I make an appointment?
You can easily make an appointment by clicking on the red button at the top right of the website for the service you require. This will take you directly to the relevant contact options.
How can I postpone or cancel an appointment?
If you are unable to keep an appointment, you can postpone or cancel it up to 24 hours in advance. If you cancel later, the costs incurred will be charged.
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
Make sure you bring your health insurance card with you. We may also need your vaccination card.
What language will be used for treatment?
For professional treatment, it is always necessary that patients are able to explain their concerns in English or German. Otherwise, an interpreter must be brought to the appointment.
Where can I find the ifa practice?
A large part of the practice is located at the ifa headquarters at Kreuzweg 3 in Baden: Walk-in practice, general practitioners, allergology, cardiology, neurology and occupational medicine.
On the other side of the street, at Bruggerstrasse 61a in Baden, are the gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry and psychotherapy practices.
Is there parking available?
There are four customer parking spaces in front of the building at Bruggerstrasse 61a. Public parking is available in the Trafo parking garage. If possible, we recommend arriving by public transport. Train and bus stops are in the immediate vicinity.
When is the ifa open?
The ifa is generally open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Special opening hours for the specialist departments can be found here.
The practice is open in the morning on December 24 and 31 and all day on December 27 and 30. The ifa Pharmacy is closed from December 25 to January 2.
The ifa is closed on the following holidays:
- New Year's Day (January 1)
- Berchtold's Day (January 2)
- Good Friday (varies each year)
- Easter Monday (varies each year)
- Ascension Day (varies each year)
- Whit Monday (varies each year)
- Corpus Christi (varies each year)
- National Day (August 1)
- Christmas (December 25)
- Christmas (December 26)
Do I have to wear a protective mask in the ifa rooms?
People with symptoms of a respiratory infection (cold, sore throat, cough, fever) must wear a protective mask in the ifa rooms. For all others, wearing a mask is voluntary.
Can I bring my dog to the practice?
For hygiene reasons, pets are not allowed in the practice rooms.
How does the ifa handle personal data?
The ifa treats personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and the privacy policy. At your first appointment, we will ask for your consent to process your data with this document. Please note that we are not permitted to provide any information to third parties, including family members, without your written consent.
The ifa is ISO 27001 certified for data and information security measures and is regularly audited by an independent body.